Coast to Coast a Winner for Axiom Holographics


When Brisbane-based business Axiom Holographics decided to offer its exciting new entertainment concept globally, they approached Coast to Coast for help.

Holograms are fast becoming THE big thing in entertainment – and Axiom’s new Hologram Zoo entertainment centre is a game-changer!

After three successful trials – the Sydney trial attracting over 25,000 visitors – the product was ready to ‘go live’!


Good Reach

Axiom Holographics CEO, Bruce Dell, said the company had come across Coast to Coast a few times.

“We assumed it must have been a large organisation to have such a good reach,” he said.

“At first, we hesitated contacting them because the other large organisations we spoke with had all been very expensive.

“Eventually, we thought we would ask them for their fees and were very surprised at how low they were!”


Exactly What We Were Looking For

Clearly, reaching out across the country is a big task – with so many options.

“We wished there was someone who was an expert in the best way to do it and knew which forms of advertising worked and which didn’t,” Bruce said.

Coast to Coast was exactly what we were looking for. They spent our money responsibly and got more for our advertising dollars then we ever could have achieved.

“They know the industry well and were the experts we were looking for.”


Plenty of Leads

It turns out it was a smart move, with Axiom receiving around three real leads a week from Coast to Coast.

“We have already done two paid sales with another two near to closing,” said Bruce.

“Our only problem with Coast to Coast was that they were Australia only and we needed to find a group that does a similar service internationally. But when we spoke to Coast to Coast about this, they actually began helping us with the US.

“We could not be happier with their service.

“Organizations that actually care this much are rare. If you have chosen to use Coast to Coast, you are very fortunate.
“They have brought a great increase to the sales and leads for our business.”


Hologram Zoo Centre

Each Hologram Zoo centre has four major devices:

  • Hologram Tunnels – where people walk through holographic environments.
  • Two hologram fenced Enclosures – where individual holographic animals appear for guests to walk past and look at.
  • A Hologram Sky Roof – where animals walk over the top of the guests giving them an up close and unique perspective.
  • A hologram Photobooth – where guests have photos and videos made of their trip – that are downloadable to go on social media.


To find out more about Hologram Zoos, visit

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